Home Insurance

Home insurance comes in three main forms, Buildings, Contents and a combined policy covering both the Buildings & Contents.

Buildings insurance covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding a home should it be damaged or destroyed through fire and natural risks such as flooding. The cost of this cover is normally very competitive unless you live in an area prone to natural disasters such as flooding which has become a serious issue for affected homeowners.

Contents insurance covers the items in the building such as your furniture, electrical equipment and personal belongings. Normally contents insurance covers your items not only in the home but item which are on you too such as clothes and jewellery. Policies can also cover fine art, wine collections, garden items, bikes etc. but each may be subject to additional premium and if you have any especially valuable items (normally over a minimum limit) they should be listed on the proposal form to ensure they are covered. Insurers may ask for proof of purchase or a valuation for these valuables.

Many home policies will also offer you Travel Insurance, Public Liability Insurance, Employers (your) Liability for staff in the home, gardeners, cleaners etc. and legal expenses assistance for domestic disputes.

A combined policy is designed for people who own their own home (with or without a mortgage). If you rent normally your landlord is responsible for the buildings part of your cover and you pay for your contents.

Also see -

General Insurance Commercial Insurance Private Medical Insurance

Motor Insurance Business Insurance Other Insurance

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