Savings & Investmentsavings piggy bank

There is a bewildering array of products you can use for saving and investment. However, the basic principles of investing do not need to be complicated and our job is to find the products suitable for you.

We begin by conducting a detailed personal review of your current financial position, aspirations and objectives. We will consider your attitude to risk and your income and growth needs.

We will assess all of the above factors with you before making recommendations. There are four main types we use regularly and a whole host of specialist products which can also be considered where relevant.

Savings Accounts and National Savings

Your rainy day money needs to be accessible but also earning interest where possible. The best rates available change regularly but are currently not particularly encouraging to savers.

The government announced in the budget that from April 2016 the first £1,000 earned on savings will be completely free of tax for all basic rate and non-tax payers. Higher rate tax payers will receive a £500 allowance.

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

If you have money to invest for a medium time frame (3 years or more) an ISA is an ideal vehicle to use. It provides tax free income and growth, and a generous annual allowance which enables you to build up a large portfolio over the course of a number of years free of any tax concerns. We encourage most savers to utilise their annual allowance where possible.


We will seek to utilise Pensions as a very tax efficient savings vehicle if you are looking to save for the long-term and/or your retirement.

General Portfolio Account

For savers with larger amounts to invest we will generally recommend a general portfolio account is opened. We will seek to use tax free investments such as your ISA allowance first and on an annual basis. With the remaining money, investing in a general portfolio account which will give you access to a wide range of investments.

For more complex situations we may also consider the use of life assurance bonds and offshore investments.

Also See -

Investment Principles Investment Trusts NISAs Help to Buy ISAs

Junior ISAs Retirement Planning Government Gilts

Corporate Bonds

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