Financial Planning

Financial planning is a well-developed process which starts by determining your current situation, works with you to identify your financial goals and then provides a plan to help you achieve your goals taking into account your specific circumstances.


Protecting yourself and your family. It’s never nice to have to think about it but you could lose your job, fall ill or worse. 

Tax Planning

We will work with your accountant and other professionals to ensure you understand the options that are open to you in order to maximise your savings and don’t pay tax unnecessarily.

Retirement Planning

There is no doubt that the sooner you start contributing towards your retirement the better your retirement will be.

Wealth Management

Whichever phase you’re at and whatever your financial goals, we will help you find and implement the right financial strategy for you and constantly review it based on your changing circumstances.

General Insurance

As well as your loved ones, it’s important to take care of your possessions. There is very little that you cannot insure but for most of us the key insurances will be home, car and private medical insurance.

Savings and Investments

There is a bewildering array of products you can use for saving and investment. However, the basic principles of investing do not need to be complicated and our job is to find the products suitable for you.


For most people, your home will be the largest single investment you will ever make, so picking the wrong mortgage can be a very expensive mistake.

Financial Advice... pure and simple

Bankhall MT provides financial advice and planning, in plain English, to people who want to ensure they make the right financial decisions at the right times and at the right cost. It's simple!

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