Other Insurance

Dental Plans

Dental insurance covers the cost of dental treatment. Depending on the plan this may be for dental problems requiring treatment such as fillings, abscesses or cysts or all of your dental costs including your check-ups and cleaning with a hygienist.

Travel Insurance

Many people take out travel insurance for each trip they go on but if you are travelling abroad more than once a year it maybe beneficial for you to look at annual cover. We can arrange cover wherever you are travelling and for any length of time. Annual cover is also available as an option on most home insurance policies and this may be a cheaper alternative.

Pet Insurance

Vets bills can be very expensive. Pet Insurance can help provide peace of mind should your special friend require any treatment over and above their normal check-ups and vaccinations. Cover is normally inexpensive and will cover the cost of most treatments.

Specialist Insurances - Marine, Caravan, Cycle, Adventure Sports, Motor Sport etc.

If you can name it, we can help you insure it. We can help provide cover for all your requirements. Please call us on 0845 122 1515 to discuss your insurance needs.

Also see -

General Insurance Commercial Insurance Private Medical Insurance

Home Insurance Motor Insurance Business Insurance

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