State Retirement Date

The date you reach state pension age and you can draw your state pension.

The date you can take your benefits under your own pension savings is age 55 until 2018 then it will be ten years before state pension age from 2018 rising to 58 for anyone born after 6th April 1978. See below.

State pension age used to be reached on achieving age 60 for women and 65 for men. From 2018, the state pension age for both men and women will be 65. The women’s state pension age has been moving up from 60 to 65 since 2010. It was gradually raised to 62 from 2010-2015 and is now rising from 62 to 65 over just 3 years. Affecting women born from 1950-1953.

For those born after 6th December 1953 and up to the 5th April 1960, whether male or female, your state pension age will be between age 65 and 66.

For all those born after 6th April 1960 and up to 5th March 1961, your state pension age will be between age 66 and 67.

For all those born after 5th March 1961 and before 5th April 1977, your state pension age will be age 67.

For those born after 6th April 1977 and up to 5th April 1978, your state pension age will be between age 67 and 68.

For all those born after 6th April 1978, your state pension age will be age 68.

Exact details can be found here -

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Corporation Tax Benefits in Kind Personal Allowance

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