Life Insurance  

Life insurance is designed to pay out a lump sum in the event of death. People often take out life insurance simply to repay their mortgage. This is normally insufficient to enable your partner and dependants to maintain a reasonable standard of living especially if you are the sole bread winner. You should also consider the devastating effect of losing your partner whether they work or not and should ensure they are covered to. Life assurance is relatively cheap because very fortunately, dying young is not that common, however the peace of mind of knowing that your loved ones will be financially looked after is worth every penny.

Life insurance cover comes in many guises including whole of life, family income benefit and mortgage protection. On top of this there are lots of additional choices such as level, decreasing & increasing cover, flexible term, renewable, joint life, first/second death, critical illness, terminal illness the list goes on… for further information see Life Assurance (Protecting Yourself and Your Family).

Life insurance cover is important and we can help you find the policy that is best suited to your individual needs.

Also see -

Accident Sickness and Unemployment Critical Illness Term Assurance

Income Protection Insurance Private Medical Insurance

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